1 PVC Shrink Film Plant
1 Automatic Cut & Seal For U Shape PVC Pouch
1 PVC High Speed Label Cutting Machine
1 PVC Gluing Machine

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Company Profile



H.V. Automation the flagship company is one of the fastest growing companies for manufacturing, sales and exports of various plastic packaging machine industries. The company has designed and developed the machines with highly expertise and technical knowledge considering the difficulties and problems being faced by the processors in day-to-day operation. H.V. Automation for manufacturing Plastic Packaging Machinery in Vatva, GIDC, Ahmedabad was established by Mr. Vinod Prajapati in year 1997. During the year 2000 other were established.


The Company deals in all kinds of plastic packaging industries like leading Indian Manufacturer of:
1) PVC Shrink Film Plant
2) PVC Shrink ‘U’ Shape Automatic Sealing Machine
3) High Speed Label Cutting Machine
4) PVC Gluing High Speed Machine


H.V. Automation is situated at Vatva, Ahmedabad – Gujarat Region of India. The Factory is designed to manufacturing machineries. The factory is equipped with a series of all kinds of packaging machine. H.V. Automation is equipped with latest Quality Control facilities to test the raw materials as well as finished products. It also has round the clock working process control laboratory, so as to make the products of consistent quality. The laboratory as well as the plant is equipped with latest Machinery, Equipments, Technical personnel & Means of communications.

H.V. Automation is very keen to update qualities of their products and to develop newer products to keep pace with international range of products, used with added advantage of batter properties at much competitive prices. The efforts of upgrading the quality of all the existing products are a continuous process of the company, based on the growing need of the customers for the higher quality of the products from time to time.


To become a premier packaging machineries manufacturing wide varieties of world class technology products.


  • To provide value added products with consistent quality at reasonable price.
  • To develop newer products in keeping pace with technology up-gradation.
  • To win over the customers by satisfying their quality requirements.
  • To become a leader in the plastic packaging industry.
  • To be fair in all dealings.